
美 / ˈæŋɡə(r) / 英 / ˈæŋɡər /

n. 愤怒,怒气

v. 激怒,使生气


Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and hostility, usually expressed through verbal or physical aggression. It is often associated with an individual's frustration and feelings of helplessness after being denied what they want or need.

Anger can be expressed in many different ways and has many different causes and effects. It can be triggered by external events, or internal emotions such as fear, stress, and a lack of control.

In English, the word anger can be used both in the transitive and intransitive sense. This means that it can be used both as a verb (e.g. to anger someone) and as a noun (e.g. the anger of someone).

When used as a verb, anger usually implies that someone is making another person feel angry. For example, “John angered his boss by arriving late to work.” When used as a noun, anger usually describes an emotional state of anger. For example, “John was filled with anger when his boss reprimanded him.”

Anger is often thought of as a negative emotion because it can lead to negative behaviors. However, when expressed in healthy ways, it can be a useful emotion. Used constructively, anger can be a source of motivation, helping us to take action and make changes in our lives.

When we express anger healthily, we typically do so by using our words, listening to others, and using appropriate body language. We should always strive to be respectful and mindful of others when expressing our anger. We should also be aware of our own anger triggers and take steps to manage them in constructive ways.


Don't provoke him to anger.



The question clearly angered him.



In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.



There was a glint of anger in his eyes.



I excited him to anger.



He was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.

