
美 / æn'tɑ:ktɪkə / 英 / æn'tɑ:rktɪkə /

n. 南极洲


Antarctica is the fifth largest continent in the world, making it the coldest and most inhospitable place on Earth. Antarctica is located at the South Pole, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. It is a frozen desert, with little vegetation or animal life due to the extreme cold.

The word “Antarctica” is derived from the Greek words antarktikos, meaning “opposite to the Arctic”. The word “Antarctic” is commonly used as an adjective to describe anything related to the continent, such as Antarctic animals, Antarctic waters, and Antarctic ice.

Antarctica is also used as a proper noun to refer to the continent itself. For example, “The South Pole is located in Antarctica”, or “This winter, I’m visiting Antarctica”. Antarctica is also often used to refer to the region that encompasses the continent and the surrounding waters, such as the Antarctic Ocean and the Ross Sea.

In addition to the name, Antarctica also has nicknames that are often used when talking about the continent, such as “the White Continent”, “the Ice Continent”, and “the Frozen continent”. All of these names are reflective of the frigid temperatures and icy landscapes of Antarctica.

Antarctica has been the subject of research for centuries, as it is one of the least explored and most mysterious places on Earth. Scientists and explorers visit to understand the environment and climate of the continent, as well as conduct research into the unique plant and animal species that inhabit it.

Antarctica is an incredibly unique place, and the word “Antarctica” is used to describe it in many different ways: as a proper noun to refer to the continent, an adjective to describe anything associated with the continent, and a collection of nicknames that are reflective of its climate and environment.


1、 West Antarctica 西南极洲,西南极

2、 East Antarctica 东部南极洲,东南极洲,从东南极洲

3、 list of birds of antarctica 南极大陆鸟类列表

4、 Territorial claims in Antarctica 南极领地

5、 AQ Antarctica 南极洲

6、 Princess Elisabeth Antarctica 伊丽莎白公主站


8、 Antarctica Dreaming 南极洲之梦


Antarctica has always inspired grandiose schemes.



The danger of ozone destruction is not limited to Antarctica, however.



ANTARCTICA, that bleak, white place, still defies full understanding.



Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure.

从那以后, 人们开始去南极洲探险.


Antarctica is the coldest and driest place on Earth.



The price of Antarctica might be higher than we would care to pay.

