
美 / æntɪləʊ'keɪʃən / 英 / æntɪloʊ'keɪʃən /

n. 前移



Antelocation is a word of Latin origin meaning \\"on the other side\\" that is used in a variety of contexts to indicate something that is on the opposite side or opposite direction from a given location. Antelocation can be used to describe geographical locations, such as the opposite side of a riverbank or the opposite end of a mountain range, or it can be used to describe directions, such as the opposite direction from which someone came.

Antelocation can also be used to describe a process in which two people or groups move towards each other in a circular motion, with each ending up on the opposite side of the circle from which they started. For example, two teams in a tug-of-war game might be described as \\"antelocating\\" around the rope, as each team is pulling from the opposite side of the rope from the other team.

Antelocation can also refer to a situation in which two or more people or groups are in close proximity to each other, such as in a crowded room or on a crowded bus. It can be used to describe how two people or groups are situated relative to each other, such as \\"The students are antelocating around the teacher\\".

In a legal context, antelocation can be used to describe a situation in which a court is deciding on a case between two parties, who are located on opposite sides of a geographic location. For example, a court might be deciding on a case between two people, who are both located in different states. In this context, the court might be said to be \\"antelocating\\" on the case.

Overall, antelocation is a useful word to describe a variety of situations, from geographical locations and directions to legal cases and crowded conditions.



1、 antelocation angle 前置量