architectural sculpture的意思

美 / ˌɑ:kɪˈtektʃərəl ˈskʌlptʃə / 英 / ˌɑrkəˈtɛktʃərəl ˈskʌlptʃɚ /


architectural sculpture的用法讲解

Architectural sculpture is a form of art that adorns and enhances the appearance of a building. It takes the form of three-dimensional sculptures, mostly in stone, that are placed on or around a building or other structure. Architectural sculptures are often made by skilled artisans and the process can involve a range of techniques such as carving and modelling.

Architectural sculpture adds an aesthetic element to a building, often giving it a unique identity. It can also be used to emphasize a building’s grandeur and scale, such as the imposing stone figures on European cathedrals. Other types of sculpture may be used to commemorate important people, significant events, highlight a building’s history, and tell stories.

Architectural sculptures come in all shapes and sizes, from small figurines to large abstract pieces. Some sculptures are free-standing, while others are attached to the walls, ceilings, or architectural elements such as balconies and gables. Sculptures can also be commissioned to reflect the style and culture of its surroundings.

Although architectural sculpture is often associated with the past, it is still widely used today. In some countries, architectural sculptures are used to decorate public buildings, while in others they are used to decorate private homes or commercial properties. Architects, builders, and homeowners can all benefit from using sculptural elements in their construction projects.

In addition to being visually appealing, sculptures can also serve a functional purpose. For instance, they can be used to divide space or provide support for roof structures. Sculptures can also be used to provide natural ventilation to a building, as well as create spaces for birds to nest.

Overall, architectural sculpture is a great way to add character and elevate the aesthetic of any building or structure. It can be used to commemorate an important event or person, highlight a building's history, and tell stories. Whether you are planning to construct a new building or enhance an existing one, incorporating sculptural elements can provide an added level of detail and complexity.

architectural sculpture的短语

1、 Ancient Architectural Sculpture 古建筑雕刻

2、 architectural stone sculpture 建筑石雕

architectural sculpture的例句

Decoration was fundamental to Indian architecture and is seen in the myriad details of figured sculpture as well as in the architectural elements.


This architectural design is based on the idea of the complex being an effective sculpture where plastic expressiveness is emphasized by use of modern finishing materials.


Their bold architectural sculpture is either integral with the stone monuments or is added as stucco ornamentation.
