arrive at a conclusion的意思

美 / əˈraiv æt ə kənˈklu:ʒən / 英 / əˈraɪv æt e kənˈkluʒən /


arrive at a conclusion的用法讲解


Arrive at a conclusion 指的是“得出结论”,用于形容用思考、分析和辩论的方法得出的结论。它一般是指经过思考和研究或经过一系列的讨论后得到的结论,也可以用于描述遵循一定逻辑步骤所得到的结论。


1. After much discussion, the team was able to arrive at a conclusion.

2. It took us a long time, but we finally arrived at a conclusion.

3. By following the procedure outlined in the manual, the technician was able to arrive at a conclusion.

4. After analyzing the data, the researchers arrived at a conclusion that the program was effective.

5. He used logic to arrive at a conclusion that the solution was due to system errors.


arrive at a conclusion的短语

1、 arrive e at a conclusion 得出结论

2、 arrive at a definite conclusion 得出结论