at the appropriate time的意思

美 / / 英 / /


at the appropriate time的网络释义

在适当时机 ... 应有,应得到 owed sth; deserving sth 归功于,应属于 caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth 在适当时机,最终 at the appropriate time; eventually ...

在适当的时候 ... be appropriate to 对……适合 at the appropriate time 在适当的时候 appropriate sth. for sth. 把某物拔出 ...

at the appropriate time的例句

It must be dealt with at the appropriate time.


'To be a good parent you must never be afraid, at the appropriate time, of administering your parental authority.


The tip in context; you shouldn’t deprive yourself of the benefits of seeing someone else at the appropriate time.


The delegating object keeps a reference to the other object, the delegate, and at the appropriate time sends a message to it.


In a large system, there may be many requirements, more than we easily can remember to change at the appropriate time.


His endorsement future is strong and any additional partnerships will be announced at the appropriate time.
