backward agricultural country的意思

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backward agricultural country的网络释义

变奏 20110501鹿仔4038晚上8点四级班笔记 -... ... advanced industrial country 先进的工业国 backward agricultural country 落后的农业国 Widely / greatly / considerably adv 大幅度地,相当地 ...

backward agricultural country的例句

Agricultural advance in so vast a country, with such a large population and backward economy as in China, requires above all else mobilizing the initiative of peasants to work hard and self-reliantly.


Germany is affected by many factors when it turns from backward agricultural country to the center of science and technology in the 19th century.

德国从落后的农业国一跃成为1 9世纪的科技中心,影响它的因素很多。

It's a backward agricultural country.


Our country is big in agriculture, farming play an important role in the national economy. However, compared with the developed country, our mode of Agricultural production is still backward.


That country is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country .


Zhangjiakou City, a large agricultural region in Hebei Province, is one of the most backward economy areas of our country.
