battle of life的意思

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battle of life的网络释义

生存的斗争 ... battle it out [口语] 打出胜负,决一雌雄 ;战斗到底 battle of life 生存的斗争 battle of the books 打笔墨官司 ...

生活的战斗 写作篇圣诞小说《生活的战斗》(Battle of Life)。

battle of life的短语

1、 The Battle of Life 人生的战斗 ; 生活的斗争 ; 人生的奋斗 ; 演奏曲

battle of life的例句

In the life of most men, there is a final battle between straying and staying.


Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have cheated of the best things that life has to offer.


When news of Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor death reached Tatooine though, Myhr's dreary life changed.


The incident is the single biggest loss of life in a gun battle since British forces began operations in 2001.


In the mid-1850s she settled in Battle Creek, Michigan, her base of operations for the rest of her life.

19世纪50年代中期,她在密歇根州的巴特尔·克里克(Battle Creek)定居,这里是她晚年主要的活动场所。

The age-old battle between perfectionism and economics as seen through the life of Eustis Edwards and the Perfection, the greatest fly rod ever made.

本书通过欧斯特•爱德华(Eustis Edwards)的生活和他的“完美”牌飞杆,展示了完美主义和经济主义由来已久的争论。