be considered as的意思

美 / bi kənˈsɪdəd æz / 英 / bi kənˈsɪdərd æz /


be considered as的用法讲解

在英语中,“be considered as”表示一种强调的含义,表示 “被视为”、“被认为” 或“被看作”。它着重强调一个结果,表明一种看法或达成一致的意见。

下面举几个例子,来说明be considered as的用法:

1. 钱是一种货币,被认为是生活中最重要的因素。

Money is a kind of currency, which is considered as the most important factor in life.

2. 在美国,它被视为一种尊重的表礰。

In the US, it is considered as a sign of respect.

3. 书籍被看作是一种有价值的财富。

Books are considered as a valuable asset.

4. 这里的气候被认为是最适合住宿的地方。

The climate here is considered as the best place for accommodation.

5. 手机被看作是当今社会最重要的科技发明。

Cell phones are considered as the most important technological invention in today's society.

总之,“be considered as”在英语中是一个常用词汇,表示被视为、被认为或被看作。它强调一个结果,表明一种看法或达成一致的意见。

be considered as的短语

1、 Should Be Considered As 可以应视为为

2、 be considered as a 将其作为

3、 be considered as a whole 被看成是一个整体

be considered as的例句

The UM system can be considered as a special information storage platform.



They may be considered as having a so - called " option demand " for wilderness.

他们可能会被认为对荒野具有 所谓 的 “ 选择权要求 ”.

英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法

MacArthur surmised that competition equations should be considered as first elements of a Taylor series.



Beryllium, bismuth, and bromine must be considered as well.

少量的还包括还有铍 、 铋 、 溴.


Any difference between values for successive occupations must be considered as a closure error.



Such compounds might be considered as a special type of antioxidant and classified as inhibitor regenerators.

