be responsible to的意思

美 / / 英 / /


be responsible to的网络释义

对…负责 ... soak up 汲取(知识等) be responsible to 对…负责 strive to 努力做某事 ...

对某人负责 ... (make a report) 汇报 (be responsible to) 对某人负责 Spike Lee 斯派克·李(1957-),美国电影导演,他的作品探索了丰富的美国黑人文化 ...

源自 源自...:derive;result;come;originate;initiate;stem;spring;emanate from;be attribute to;be responsible to;grow out of 反映;体现:reflect;present;demonstrate;show;suggest;illustrate .

对……负责 ... be responsible for 对某事承担责任 be responsible to 对……负责 be saddled with 背负 ...

be responsible to的短语

1、 be responsible to sb 向…负责 ; 对某人负责

2、 be responsible to do 负责做某事

3、 Be responsible to improve 改良现有的自动化

be responsible to的例句

He is too impulsive to be a responsible mayor.


I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.


The Mechanic will be responsible to ensure all machines are running smoothly day to day.


As a department manager, you ought to be responsible to the general manager.


To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?


They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice.
