big drop off的意思

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big drop off的网络释义

大断层 ...帛琉原住民圣地{七十岛}风光,接着前往帛琉最佳浮潜点{大断层},在专业导游带领下,潜进世界七大潜点之首的大断层(Big Drop Off),观赏3呎的海底突然落差到2千呎的大断层,深不见底的海域中,却有完整的珊瑚浅礁区,珊瑚覆盖率达百分之百,潜藏各种色彩鲜艳的...

海底大断层 海底大断层 海底大断层(Big Drop Off)位于帕劳群岛南部贝里琉群岛(Peleliu Island)的北部外海海域,被全球潜水界人士誉为世界七大潜点之首。

大断崖 ...群岛一日游,这两个项目都值得参加,前者是经典线路,去了牛奶湖、水母湖和一处浮潜地点,南洛克群岛去了大断崖(big drop off)、CARP岛、干贝城(big clam city)和长滩。

夜潜 ... - 第四潜 - Ngedbus Corner - 夜潜 - Big Drop Off - 第一潜 - Blue Corner(蓝角)/ New Drop Off ...

big drop off的短语

1、 Big Drop-Off 大断层

2、 The Big Drop Off 大断层

3、 Cemetery Big Drop Off 海底花园大断层

big drop off的例句

But we have put the sign up at the drop-off point because it is not a very big area and it often gets busy with lots of traffic.


This, coupled with difficulties in social interaction, means that parties, family gatherings and big birthdays drop off the radar.


Virgin Rail, which runs the station, said they have erected the sign at the drop-off point because it is not a very big area and it often gets busy with lots of traffic.


In the year 2008, our production peaks. Obviously there was a big drop from 2008 to 2009. While after that, the production evens off until 2010.
