biological neural network的意思

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biological neural network的网络释义

生物神经网络 仿照 生物神经网络(Biological Neural Networks,BNN)的结构和功能原理而构 成的人工神经网络(Ani:ficialNeuralNetworks,ANN)是...

拟或学习生物神经网络 人工神 经网络是模拟或学习生物神经网络(Biological Neural Network,BNN)的信息处理功 能构造的信息处理模型。

生物神经网路 这就是说,迄今为止,按生物神经网路(biological neural networks,BNN)巨量并行分布方式构造的各种人工神经网路,虽然已经在资讯处理中扮演著越来越重要的角色,但是并没有显示出...

biological neural network的短语

1、 Biological Neural Network Program 另一个计划

2、 BNN Biological Neural Network 生物神经网络

biological neural network的例句

Artificial neural network is one of artificial system, which simulates structural and functional characteristics of biological neural network resorted to engineering technological means.


The International Neural Network Society promotes the understanding of biological and artificial neural networks.


In artificial intelligence, a neural network simulates biological neurons by connecting specialized computing devices into a network, which allow them to learn the underlying statistics of the data.


The work indicates that people should be very careful when they build neural network models by considering the properties of a biological neural system.


The artificial neural network(ANN) and the fuzzy recognition(FR) are information process systems to simulate biological mechanism.


Imitating the biological olfactory system, a bionic nose system was constructed, which consists of gas sensor array and pattern recognition system of neural network.
