
美 / blɒnd / 英 / blɑːnd /

n. 金发女郎

adj. (头发)金黄色的,金发的


Blonde is an English word used to describe a person with light-colored hair. It is most often associated with people who have white or yellowish hair. Blonde can also be used to describe items, such as hair dye or shampoo, that are made specifically for people with light-colored hair.

The word \"blonde\" can also be used as an adjective. When used as an adjective, it is used to describe people with light-colored hair, as well as objects that are specifically designed for those with light-colored hair. For example, one might say, \"She has beautiful blonde hair,\" or \"This shampoo is specifically designed for blondes.\"

When talking about a woman, the term \"blonde\" is often used to describe someone who is attractive and fashionable. A popular saying is \"blondes have more fun,\" which implies that people with light-colored hair are more attractive and have more fun than those with darker-colored hair.

The word \"blonde\" can also refer to a type of beer. Blonde beer is a light-colored beer that is usually less strong and flavorful than other types of beer.

Overall, the word \"blonde\" is used to describe people and objects that are specifically designed for people with light-colored hair. It is also used to describe an attractive and fashionable woman, and a type of light-colored beer.


She was tall, blonde, and attractive.



Is she a natural blonde (= Is her hair naturally blonde) ?



a small, blond boy



She dyed her hair blonde.



I like that blonde job in the red dress.



He got off with that blonde.

