body overweight的意思

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body overweight的网络释义

超重 ...人居民超重与肥胖流行病学研究-广西论文发表 关键词】 超重;肥胖;流行病学;危险因素 [gap=2609]Key words】 body overweight;obesity;epidemiology;dangerous factor 超重、肥胖与多种慢性疾病发生密切相关,成为当今社会重要公共卫生问题,预防和控制超...

body overweight的短语

1、 Before his body overweight 以前他体型超重

2、 Slightly overweight body 稍微偏胖的身体

body overweight的例句

Some 70 percent of the women had body mass indexes (BMIs) of 25 or more, making them overweight or obese.

70%的受访者体质指数(body mass indexes (BMIs))在25或25以上,为体重超标或肥胖。

But several demographic studies have shown that even women just considered "overweight," with a body mass index of 25-30, may also be at increased risk of contraceptive failure.


Dr Rebecca Hardy, the council's program leader on body size, said: "Once people become overweight, they continue relentlessly upwards." They hardly ever go back down.


These results held true even if a woman was not generally overweight, as determined by body mass index.


Outgoing people tend to be overweight, while anxious types are more likely to be thin, according to Japanese researchers who examined the links between personality and body mass.


Scientists have found that a key part of the brain which stops the body from acting on impulse - and gorging - does not function as well in those who are overweight or obese.
