bump into someone的意思

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bump into someone的网络释义

撞上某人 ... get along 生活;进展;友好相处 bump into someone 撞上某人;巧遇某人 teething trouble 出牙期的病痛,比喻事情开始时的暂时困难 ...

巧遇某人 ... get along 生活;进展;友好相处 bump into someone 撞上某人;巧遇某人 teething trouble 出牙期的病痛,比喻事情开始时的暂时困难 ...

bump into someone的短语

1、 bump into someone else 撞到别人

2、 I Bump Into Someone 我撞到人

bump into someone的例句

I bump into someone.


He went his own way, the result is, not to bump into someone is being hit.


When you ride in the street you must look about (you) lest you bump into someone.


Self-assured or supercilious go their own way, not to bump into someone, is to be hit by others.


When we're driving, we use similar sorts of rules: we decelerate when someone's in front of us, and accelerate if there's someone about to bump into you from behind.
