bury alive的意思

美 / ˈberi əˈlaiv / 英 / ˈbɛri əˈlaɪv /


bury alive的用法讲解


Burying someone alive is an extreme form of punishment, torture and execution. It is an ancient practice that involves trapping an individual in a pit, grave, or other sealed space in the ground and leaving them to die of starvation, suffocation, dehydration, or any other cause. The horrific practice has been used throughout history and has been a feature in various cultures, including the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, as well as some tribal cultures.

Traditionally, people were buried alive as a form of punishment for serious crimes, such as treason, murder or theft. In some cases, executions were carried out by burying the accused alive in a shallow grave or in a pit. In other cases, victims were entombed in a larger burial chamber, often with their hands and feet bound.

In modern times, burying someone alive is generally considered a form of torture and is regarded as a war crime. It is also illegal in many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Despite this, some cases of enforced burial alive have been reported in recent years, often in regions affected by war.

Despite its inhumane nature, the practice of burying someone alive still exists in many places today. It is often used as a punishment for people accused of witchcraft, apostasy, adultery, or other types of transgression. In some countries, such as India and Pakistan, it is still used as a form of revenge for \\"dishonoring\\" a family's reputation.

In conclusion, burying someone alive is a barbaric act of cruelty that should no longer be tolerated in modern society. It is a violation of human rights and is inhumane and immoral. It is illegal in many countries and its use should be strictly prohibited.


bury alive的短语

1、 to bury alive 坑杀

2、 Bury alive escapes 活埋逃脱

3、 To Bury the ringleader alive 活埋祸首

4、 To bury his child alive 活埋他的孩子