business management layer的意思

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business management layer的网络释义

商务管理层 ... BME bipolar membrane electro dialysis两极膜电透析的缩写 BML Business Management Layer 商务管理层 BMP best management practices最优管理实践的缩写 ...

商务治理层 ... 治理层开发 Management Development 商务治理层 BML Business Management Layer 治理层的股份 management share ...

事务管理层 事务管理层(Business Management Layer):主要是针对运营数据的分析和沉淀,找出规律,供高层决策或驱动ERP/CRM系统进行优化。

商业管理层 ... 商业管理 business management 商业管理层 business management layer 商业管理器 business manager ...

business management layer的短语

1、 BML Business Management Layer 商务管理层 ; 事件管理层

2、 BML L Business Management Layer 商务管理层

3、 business management information layer bml 商务管理信息层

business management layer的例句

This layer can also include business workflows which can be implemented using business process management tools, such as Windows workflow Foundation in Framework 3.5.

这一层还包括了业务工作流,它可以使用业务流程管理工具,例如。NET Framework 3.5中的Windows Workflow Foundation来实现。

CoTweet: CoTweet's already the Twitter CRM Tool of Choice for BestBuy, JetBlue, and Ford, and that's because it adds a business layer to Twitter account management.

CoT weet: CoT weet已经是百思买,捷蓝和福特选择的Twitter客户关系管理工具,这是因为它为Twitter的帐号管理增加了一个业务层。

This closed model allows Velocity to provide a decoupled templating presentation layer, cleanly separated from any application business logic or data management code.


The paper has analyzed the importance of the securities business application layer, and cleared the necessity of the safety management platform.


The client layer in this regard can refer to calls made from a Web framework, portal application, desktop system, or in some cases, a workflow product or business process management (BPM) component.


The controller layer is responsible for implementing the business logic of the service, achieved by invoking other services, other controllers, or an entity management layer.
