buy boat的意思

美 / bai bəut / 英 / baɪ bot /


buy boat的用法讲解

英语单词buy boat的用法讲解

buy boat是英文单词,其中buy的意思是“买,购买”,boat的意思是“船只”。因此,buy boat的意思是“买船”。

buy boat用于表示买船,如果只是单纯的买船,可以说I want to buy a boat. 其中want to是动词短语,buy是动词,a boat是宾语,这是一个普通句子。

buy boat也可以用来表示“买一艘船”,如果只是单纯的买一艘船,可以说I want to buy one boat.其中want to是动词短语,buy是动词,one boat是宾语,这也是一个普通句子。

buy boat还可以用于买船材料、船具等。例如,I am going to buy some materials for the boat.其中am going to是一个动词短语,buy是动词,some materials for the boat是宾语,也是一个普通句子。

总之,buy boat可以用来买船、买一艘船和买船材料等,其中buy是动词,boat是宾语。

buy boat的短语

1、 Thailand buy Boat 泰国求购

buy boat的例句

If you don't buy now, you may find that you've missed the boat.


One day I buy boat and sail around the world.



I'd buy a big boat and sail around the world.


This article basically discusses shipbuilding of ship company financing, buy boat and shipping to rent.

此文主要论述船公司融资造船 、 买船和船舶租赁.


Suppose you're selling your car in order to buy a new boat, and you've calculated that you need to get $5000 for your car in order to buy the boat.
