by a hair的意思

美 / bai ə hɛə / 英 / baɪ e hɛr /


by a hair的用法讲解

英语单词by a hair的用法讲解

by a hair意思是“以极微弱的差距”,表示两个对比的对象的差异极小,可以通常是两个数字相比,也可以是理解和想法上的差异。比如:

1. He won the race by a hair. 他以极微弱的差距赢得了比赛。

2. The team beat the other team by a hair. 这支球队以极微弱的差距打败了另一支球队。

3. His score was higher than her score by a hair. 他的分数比她的分数高出极微弱的差距。

4. He barely passed the exam by a hair. 他凭借极微弱的差距勉强通过考试。

5. They disagreed on the issue by a hair. 他们在这个问题上只有极微弱的分歧。

在英语中,by a hair是一个常见的习惯用语,表示两个对比项之间的差异极小,而不需要精确数字。

by a hair的短语

1、 hang by a hair 千钧一发,岌岌可危,危在旦夕

2、 to hang by a hair 千钧一发

3、 win by a hair 以毫发之差险胜

4、 Hand by a hair 危在旦昔

5、 Hanging by a Hair 毛式悬挂,系于一发

6、 off by a hair 差之毫厘

7、 hung by a hair 岌岌可危

8、 miss by a hair 一念之差

by a hair的例句

Sarah's hair was out of her face and held back by a hair slide.


He escaped death by a hair's s breadth.



The bullet missed me by a hair's s breadth.



She won by a hair.



Stick out the tongue and blow it by a hair dryer.


We won by a hair's breadth.



This morning on my way to work, a deer jumped out right in front of my car.I missed it by a hair, whew!


He did not err by a hair's breadth in his calculation.

