by and by的意思

美 / baɪ ənd baɪ / 英 / baɪ ənd baɪ /


by and by的用法讲解

英语中by and by这个词常常是表示“不久,将来”的意思。它可以表示时间上的概念,也可以强调一个更一般的意思,如“逐渐地,最终” 。

By and by用在句中时,它可以表示将来某一时刻正式发生的事情,也可以表示不定时期内会逐渐发生的事情。另外,by and by还可以用来表示最终会发生的结果,以及建立最终形势的中间过程。例如:

I'll go to bed by and by.(我将会不久睡觉。)

With practice, he will get better by and by.(经过练习,他最终会变得更好。)

With time and patience, the results will come by and by.(有了时间和耐心,结果就会逐渐出现。)

此外,by and by也可以用作口语的一种应答,可以用来回答别人的提问,表示肯定,但又比不太确定的感觉。例如:

A: Are you going to the party tonight?

B: By and by.(我会去的。)

总之,by and by指的是将来的某个时候正式发生的事情,或者将来结果的中间阶段。它可以用来表达特定的意思,也可以作为口语应答使用。

by and by的短语

1、 by-and-by 未来

2、 Sweet By and By 同聚美地

3、 E by and by 不久以后

4、 The Sweet By and By 英文书名

5、 get by and by' 的解释

6、 by day and by night 日日夜夜

7、 Liberalization by and by 渐进自由化

8、 by guess and by god 瞎猜,凭瞎猜,凭猜测,瞎猜英语

9、 By Hook and by Crook 剥错大牙拆错骨,不择手段地

by and by的例句

By and by she met an old man with a beard.


By and by we shall discuss these matters with minuteness.



By and by Tom shouted: "Fall!"


Once you do it, by and by you will feel that it comes easy.

如果你做它, 不久你将感到它变得容易.


The story about him became smaller and faded from the public eye by and by.



Predictably, it will split and fall apart by and by, though it may not crumble instantly.

它虽不至于立即瓦解, 但分崩离析的窘境, 恐怕是难以避免的.


By and by Aleck subscribed to a Chicago daily and for the WALL STREET POINTER.


英汉文学 - 三万元遗产

By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness.

