Cable television的意思

美 / ˈkeibl ˈteliˌviʒən / 英 / ˈkebəl ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən /

电缆电视,[电视] 有线电视

Cable television的用法讲解

Cable television, commonly known as cable or cable TV, is a system for transmitting a large number of channels of programming to viewers via a network of coaxial cables or fiber-optic lines. It is one of the most widely used methods of television broadcasting, especially in countries where there is limited access to terrestrial broadcasting. Cable television services are typically provided by private cable companies, but in some cases, the service may be provided by an independent provider or a public-private partnership.

Cable television services typically provide hundreds of channels of programming to their subscribers, including a variety of local broadcast television, premium channels, pay-per-view programming, and international programming. Subscribers typically pay a monthly fee for the service and may be required to commit to a long-term contract. Subscribers may also be able to purchase additional video-on-demand or pay-per-view programming, or add premium channels.

The primary advantage of cable television is the wide range of programming available. Subscribers to cable television can watch programs on hundreds of different channels, ranging from local news and sports to premium movie channels. Cable also offers access to numerous high-definition channels.

Cable television also offers several advantages over traditional broadcast television, including improved sound and picture quality and a choice of programming packages that can be tailored to individual tastes. Cable television is typically more reliable than broadcast television, since it is not affected by weather conditions or reception issues. Additionally, most cable services offer extra features such as digital video recorders and video-on-demand programming.

One disadvantage of cable television is the cost. Cable television typically requires a long-term commitment and can be expensive if subscribers are not careful. Additionally, cable companies may charge extra fees for additional services, such as pay-per-view programming, premium channels, and digital video recorders.

Cable television的短语

1、 CATV CAble TeleVision 有线电视,电缆电视,有线电视机,有线

2、 cable television systems 有线电视系统

3、 cable television service 电缆电视服务,电缆电视

4、 cable television system 有线电视系统,电缆电视系统

5、 National Cable Television Association 全国有线电视协会,美国电缆电视协会,全国有线电视联盟,有线电视协会

6、 cable television network 有线电视网,有线电视宽带网

7、 Cable Television CATV 有线电视

8、 Hong Kong Cable Television Limited 有线电视

9、 interactive cable television 交互式电缆电视,互动式有线电视

Cable television的例句

Whether accessed via cable television or the internet, video on demand is likely to grow.

无论通过有线电视还是因特网, 视频点播均可能增长.


Each of the homes has a security system and is wired for cable television.



The cable television users reached 96.38 million.



China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.



There's AOL Time Warner ( AOL ) spanning media, Internet access, and cable television.

一个巨人是 AOL 时代华纳公司,势力范围包括媒体 、 互联网接入和有线电视.


Through the modelling and simulation of a cable television network, the applicability of GMST is proved.

通过一个有线电视网络的建模与仿真, 表明了广义最小生成树模型的适用性.
