call up的意思

美 / ˈkɔːl ʌp / 英 / ˈkɔːl ʌp /


call up的用法讲解

英语单词call up的用法讲解

call up是“拨打;召集”的意思,它被广泛应用在现代英语中,有不同的用法。

1. 拨打电话:

表达方式为:call sb up 或 call up sb。

例句:Can you call me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning?

2. 召集部队:

表达方式为:call up 部队名。

例句:The government has decided to call up the reserve forces.

3. 遵守某条规定:

表达方式为:call sth up 。

例句:We should call up the agreement and take action accordingly.

4. 把某人叫出:

表达方式为:call sb up 。

例句:I'm sorry, I have to call up my assistant.

总之,call up可以用来表示拨打电话,召集部队,遵守某条规定,叫出某人等含义。

call up的短语

1、 call up sb 打电话,使想起

2、 call-up 召集令,电台呼叫,呼叫,征兵

3、 call-up capital 已催缴股本,催缴资本

4、 call-up log 召唤制表

5、 I can call up someone 我可能会想起某个人

6、 to call up 打电话,使想起

7、 The Call Up 虚拟现实战

8、 call up the reserves 召集预备役

call up的例句

If I know her number, just I can call up she.

要是我知道她的号码, 我就能给她打电话.


The church Bell call up my wedding day.


英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语

On some of the machines customers will also be able to call up bank statements.



Did the boy call up you just for a chat.



The Palermo forward Luca Toni got his first call up, too.



The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.

