carpet backing的意思

美 / ˈkɑ:pit ˈbækɪŋ / 英 / ˈkɑrpɪt ˈbækɪŋ /


carpet backing的用法讲解

Carpet backing is the material that is used to attach the carpet to the floors. It is often made of synthetic materials such as rubber, jute, or polypropylene, and is attached to the carpet fibers. It is also used to provide cushioning and support to the carpet, as well as making it more durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Carpet backing is important in that it not only keeps the carpet in place but also provides a layer of insulation, making it more comfortable to stand and walk on. Carpet backing is also important in that it makes it easier to clean the carpet, as dirt and debris are less likely to get trapped in the backing material.

Carpet backing can be installed in a few different ways. The most common method is to have it sewn onto the back of the carpet fibers. This method is the most secure and durable, as carpet fibers cannot easily be pulled up or unraveled. Other methods of carpet backing installation include gluing it down or using double-sided adhesive tape.

When installing carpet backing, it is important to make sure that it is securely attached. If it is not adequately attached, it can come loose and cause the carpet to become damaged. When installing carpet backing, it is also important to make sure that it is the appropriate size and that it is level. If it is not level, it can cause the carpet to look uneven or lumpy.

Carpet backing plays an important part in making sure that carpets stay in place and last for as long as possible. It is important to make sure that the material chosen for carpet backing is of the highest quality and is correctly installed.

carpet backing的短语

1、 carpet backing cloth 地毯底布

2、 carpet backing fabric 地毯底布

3、 Jute Carpet Backing Cloth 地毯背衬

4、 PP-Carpet backing 聚丙烯地毯衬垫

5、 high grade carpet backing 高级地毯基布

6、 Carpet lining Backing for carpet 地毯基布

7、 carpet t backing 地毯底布

8、 carpet foam-backing 地毯海绵背衬

carpet backing的例句

Products of main interest are raw jute, hessian cloth and jute carpet backing.

主要行业的产品是原麻, 麻布,地毯的麻衬垫物.
