carrier gas flow rate的意思

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carrier gas flow rate的网络释义

载气流量 载气流量(carrier gas flow rate)62 cm 3 / min。 时应根据具体检测条件及分析精度要求选择一个合适的样 品进样量。

载气流 样品提升速率( sample uptake flow rate) : 22μLΠmin ; 载气流(carrier gas flow rate) 1. 02 LΠmin。

carrier gas flow rate的短语

1、 flow rate carrier gas 载气流速

carrier gas flow rate的例句

The hyphenation system was carefully designed and the operation (conditions) such as injector temperature, carrier gas flow rate, make-up gas flow rate and argon flow rate were optimized in detail.


The selection of chromatographic column, flow rate of carrier gas, column temperature, solvent, sample size and the column ratio of sample and solvent were experimented.


The effects of analytical spectral line, back ground correcting point, high frequence power, carrier gas pressure, flow rate of liquid sample and auxiliary gas on analytical results were investigated.


Among the factors that influence the separation of compounds by gas chromatography are selection of liquid phase, column temperature, and flow rate of carrier gas.


For dense phase conveying of pulverized material there is a close relationship among many parameters, such as fluidization velocity, carrier gas flow rate, pipe diameter etc.


Oxide ion yield of the rare earth elements (REE) decreased with the increasing of RF power and the sampling depth, or with the decreasing of carrier gas flow rate.
