carry out scheme design的意思

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carry out scheme design的网络释义

进行方案设计 ... work out scheme 方案编制 carry out scheme design 进行方案设计 static time-out scheme 静态超时策略 ...

carry out scheme design的例句

Develops a CAD system for type 25 series railroad cars, with the system, we can automatically carry out scheme design, technical design, working drawing design and engineering database management.


Design a operative scheme which can carry out transferring from open pit mining into underground mining successfully.


This scheme need not to design special Client program, in which general explorer can be as Client program to carry out remote measurement. Server program is design major in system.


The key design scheme and the method to carry out the pulse-jet cleaning controller based on MCU were presented in the paper. The main software flow charts were also introduced.
