
美 / ˈsentʃəri / 英 / ˈsentʃəri /

n. 世纪;一百年;(板球)一百分

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 商务英语

复数 centuries


Century is generally used as a noun to refer to a period of one hundred years. In this context, it can be used in both singular and plural form, such as \"the 20th century\" or \"the centuries before the 21st\".When used in the singular form, it is usually preceded with an ordinal number, such as “the fifteenth century” or “the eighteenth century”.

It can also be used to mean a period of one hundred years in an extended sense, such as “the century of progress”. Century can also be used to refer to a period of ten years, such as “the century of 1800–1810”.

In addition, century can be used as an adjectival form, such as “century-old” to describe something that has lasted for a hundred years.

Century is also used as a relative time indicator, in phrases like “a century ago” or “in the last century”.

Finally, century is also used figuratively to describe an exceptionally long period of time, such as “it took him a century to finish that project”.

To sum up, century has a few different uses. It can be used as a noun to refer to a period of one hundred years, as an adjective to describe something that has lasted for a hundred years, and as a relative time indicator. It can also be used figuratively to describe an exceptionally long period of time.


1、 the twentieth century 20世纪

2、 turn of the century 世纪之交;19世纪与20世纪转换交替时期;19世纪末20世纪初

3、 century park 世纪公园

4、 century hotel 世纪酒店(电影名称,酒店名称)

5、 the fifth century 5世纪

6、 quarter century 四分之一世纪


Her reign lapped over into the seventeenth century.



It was built at the turn of the century.



He was counted among the greatest singers of the century.



The paintings of Paul Ce & 1 & zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century.



Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.



A new century was dawning.



This century wrought major changes in our society.



The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America.

