certainly y的意思

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certainly y的网络释义

当然 certainly y 当然地;无疑地 Certainly.

无疑地 ... plastic c adj. 塑料(制)的; n.塑料 certainly y adv. 确实地;无疑地;(口语)当然;行 proud d adj. 自豪的;骄傲的 ...

无疑 certainly y 当然地;无疑地 Certainly.

一定 ... certain n 确实的,可*的,某一,某些,一定,必然的 certainly y 一定,必定,无疑,当然,行 certificate E 证书,证明书 ...

certainly y的短语

1、 Certainly y not 哪儿有的事

certainly y的例句

Certainly it supports the rise of incubators like Y-Combinator and "super angels," or individual investors who can provide sufficient capital to propel a startup venture to breakeven and beyond.
