
美 / tʃek / 英 / tʃek /

v. 检查,核对;查看,查询;克制,抑制;存放,寄放;托运;在……上打钩;将(对方的)军

n. 检查,核对;制止(手段),抑制(手段);结账单;支票(=cheque);方格图案;衣帽寄存处;寄存凭证;钩号;(国际象棋)将军

【名】 (Check)(英)切克(人名)

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 / IELTS / TOEFL / GRE 商务英语

复数 checks 第三人称单数 checks 现在分词 checking 过去式 checked 过去分词 checked


English Word Check:Usage Explanation

Check is an English verb with a variety of meanings. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the most common way check is used, and discuss how it can be best employed in a sentence.

1. Check means to examine something.

When used this way, check refers to examining something in order to determine whether it is correct or accurate. For example, you might “check your work” when you have finished writing an essay, to make sure all your facts and spelling are correct. This type of check is also used when people try to verify information. For example, someone might ask you “have you checked that figure?” if they are not sure a number you have given is correct.

2. Check means to control.

When used in this sense, check means to control or restrain the behavior of something or someone. For example, someone might “check their anger” if they are struggling to remain calm in a difficult situation. A teacher might “check her students” if they are getting out of control in the classroom.

3. Check means to make a request.

In this sense, check means to ask a question or make a request, usually in an informal way. For example, someone might say “check it out” if they’d like you to examine something. They might also say “check this out” in order to draw your attention to something.

As you can see, the English word check is quite versatile and can be used in a wide range of contexts. Now that you’ve seen how it’s used, you should be able to incorporate it into your English conversations more confidently!


1、 check valve 止回阀,单向阀,逆止阀,检验阀

2、 check digit 校验码,校验数位,校验位,检验数位

3、 body check 身体阻挡,身体检查,身板反对于

4、 check in 办理登记手续,报到,签入

5、 check dam 节制坝,谷坊

6、 check out 办理退房手续,结帐后离开,结账后离开,检验

7、 Security Check 安全检查,保安检查,安全检疫

8、 spot check 飞行药检

9、 Certified check 证明支票,保付支票,保兑支票,认证的支票


He was about to lose his temper but checked himself in time...



Check that all the details are correct.



He's found someone with a bit of fight to keep him in check.



She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check.



Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check...



to check your anger/laughter/tears

忍住怒火 / 笑 / 眼泪


Do you want to check your coats?



Check whether a fuse has blown.

