chest x-ray的意思

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胸部 x 光片;胸腔 X光摄影

chest x-ray的网络释义

胸透 胸透普查中肺结核阳性检出率的意义 (卫生研究) 关键词] 胸透;普查;肺结核 [gap=1252]Key words] Chest X-ray;Census;Tuberculosis

胸片 原创:278例老年人涂阳肺结核X线平片表现 - 医学论文发表 - 中国论文网 关键词] 胸片 肺结核 影像学 [gap=1295]Key words] Chest X-ray; Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Imaging

chest x-ray的短语

1、 Chest X-Ray Room 胸透室

2、 take a chest x-ray 照胸透

3、 Chest X ray 胸肺X光 ; x射线胸透

chest x-ray的例句

A chest X-ray report from a visit more than a year age with one of my partners revealed a left lower-lobe pneumonia and suggested follow-up to ensure resolution.


Objective To improve the recognition and accumulate data of healthy chest X-ray.


This is suggested by persistent fever, and physical and chest X-ray signs of pleural effusion.


Methods: the chest X-ray device by the film clip, set frame, base, children sit down plate, protective aprons and so on.


They found spots where radiation levels exceeded 100 microsieverts per hour, about the same dose as a chest X-ray.


Objective To study the chest X-ray and CT appearance of pulmonary non-tuberculosis mycobacterial infection.
