chew the rag的意思

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chew the rag的网络释义

唠叨不断 ... cheer up振作;鼓励 chew the rag唠叨不断 chip in集资;捐款 ...

闲聊 ... 弦切面,伤痕材:slash cut 闲聊,也有争吵的意思:chew the rag 纤维混凝土:Fiber reinforced concrete ...

聊天 chew the rag 聊天, 争论, 发牢骚; 闲聊; 唠叨不断..

chew the rag的短语

1、 chew the rag v 唠叨不断

chew the rag的例句

The two ladies began to chew the rag.


The old mwind up beinging an would chew the rag for hours with wind up beinging anyone who would join him.


DO NOT rag-chew on your local repeater while connected to the reflector.
