chop up meat的意思

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chop up meat的网络释义

把肉剁碎 ... chop off 砍掉 chop onions;chop up meat. 剁洋葱;把肉剁碎 chopped off his sentence midway; are going to chop expenses. 他讲到一半时突然截住了话头;打算削减开支 ...

剁洋葱 他讲到一半时突然截住了话头;打算削减开支 chop onions; chop up meat. 剁洋葱;把肉剁碎 chop a hole in the ice. 在冰上砍出一个洞来 .

chop up meat的短语

1、 to chop up meat 的翻译是割断肉

chop up meat的例句

Those chunks of meat are rather large—could you chop them up a bit smaller?
