
美 / ˈklæsɪk / 英 / ˈklæsɪk /

adj. 典型的,有代表性的;一流的,经典的;古朴的,典雅的;<非正式>糟糕的,讨厌的

n. 经典作品,杰作;杰出的事物,典范;传统活动,传统项目

高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / TOEFL GRE


Classic is an adjective with several meanings: traditional, excellent, or well-known. It is used to describe things that are widely accepted as being of the highest quality or part of the cultural heritage.

1. 传统意义

Classic can refer to something that is traditional or long-established. For example, a classic look is one that is timeless and never goes out of fashion, such as jeans and a white shirt. Classic literature refers to books that have stood the test of time, such as Jane Austen’s novels or Shakespeare’s plays.

2. 优秀意义

Classic can also refer to something that is of the highest quality or excellence. A classic car is one that is considered to be the best of its kind, such as a vintage Mercedes or a classic Porsche. The same goes for classic movies, classic music, and classic art, which are all considered to be the best of their respective genres.

3. 著名意义

Classic can also refer to something that is well-known and recognized. A classic example of this is the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci, which is recognized as an iconic masterpiece. Other examples of classic works of art include Michelangelo’s Statue of David and Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker.

Classic is a versatile word with different meanings that can be used to describe a variety of things. It can be used to refer to something that is traditional, of the highest quality, or widely recognized. Whether it is a classic piece of literature or a classic car, it is sure to be something special.


1、 classic style 古典风格

2、 classic music 古典音乐

3、 classic look 经典款式


...a classic study of the American penal system.



As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.



The football match was a classic.



These are classic designs which will fit in well anywhere.



She displayed the classic symptoms of depression.



classic design



The book is now recognized as a classic.



Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.

