closed circuit television的意思

美 / kləʊzd ˈsə:kit ˈteliˌviʒən / 英 / klozd ˈsɚkɪt ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən /

n. [电视] 闭路电视

closed circuit television的用法讲解

closed circuit television,简称CCTV,是指一种用于监控的特殊电视系统。其设备可以将拍摄到的影像信号发送到一个终端设备,也可以将信号存储到一个记录器中。

在安防行业中,closed circuit television广泛应用于安全监控,它可以安装在任何地方,拍摄到的图像会通过显示器或记录器传输出来,这样就可以实时监控一个特定的区域或场景,它可以清晰地拍摄到画面,确保安全系统正常运行。

军队、警察、监狱等部门也经常采用closed circuit television系统来提高保安能力,有效地预防各种犯罪活动,为安全提供更好的保障。

此外,closed circuit television系统还可以用于现场调度、实时管理以及安全检查、安全保护等工作,因此,在安全领域中运用closed circuit television系统是非常必要的。

closed circuit television的短语

1、 closed-circuit television 闭路电视,闭路式电视,有线电视,闭路电视监控系统

2、 CCTV Closed Circuit Television 闭路电视,闭路电视系统,闭路式电机,工业电视

3、 closed-circuit television monitor 闭路电视监察器

4、 closed-circuit television door-telephone 闭路电视门口对讲机

5、 Closed-circuit television reading system 闭路电视阅读系统

6、 closed-circuit television system 闭路电视系统,闭路监控电视系统

7、 closed circuit television set 闭路电视接收机,闭路式电视接收机

8、 Closed Circuit Television Camera CCTV 闭路电视摄影机

9、 Surveillance closed circuit television equipment 监视用闭路电视设备

closed circuit television的例句

Current, china pays cost TV to occupy closed - circuit television 5 % be less than.

现在, 中国付费电视占 闭路电视 的5%都不到.


Researchers observed the children via closed - circuit television and recorded their activities.



Village of existing standards between the 183 guest rooms provide 24 - hour water, closed - circuit television , broadband access.

度假村现有标准间183间,客房提供24小时温泉水, 闭路电视, 宽带接入.


It is Used in the fields of closed - circuit television system, CATV system and other electronic equipments.

适用于 闭路电视 系统 、 有线电视系统及其它电子装置.


The plant is operated entirely by remote control and monitored by closed circuit television or periscope.



In education, closed - circuit television makes it easy for a class to see everything a teacher demonstrates.

在教育方面, 闭路电视 能使全班同学易于看清教师所演示的一切.
