clothes and fashion的意思

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clothes and fashion的网络释义

服饰与时尚 ... Other Issues 其他社会问题 Clothes and Fashion 服饰与时尚 Office Facilities 办公设备 ...

服装与时尚 ... Movies电影艺术 Clothes and Fashion服装与时尚 Music and Stars音乐与明星 ...

衣饰与时髦 ... City Sightseeing 城市观光 Clothes and Fashion 衣饰与时髦 Getting Personal特性特征 ...

衣服与明尚 ... It doesnt fit. 这不合身。 Clothes and fashion 衣服与明尚 Im not sure what its called. 我不知道这是什么。 ...

clothes and fashion的短语

1、 Fashion And Clothes 时装设计和服装

clothes and fashion的例句

Mauricio Tortosa, NEW YORK CITYIjust think people buy too many clothes, whether they love fashion orwhether they just want 12 T shirts, all different colors, and 12 pairsof jeans all the same.

我只是觉得人们买了太多衣服了。 不管他们是真的热爱时尚,还是他们只是想要12件相同款式、不同颜色的T恤、或是12条一模一样的牛仔裤。

A: I just think people buy too many clothes, whether they love fashion or whether they just want 12 t shirts, all different colors, and 12 pairs of jeans all the same.


Content: In this colourful cummer, Joanna and LIndsey are going to buy some new clothes and fashion accessories to dress up themselves because of fashion sense.


What they do: fashion designers design and create new clothes and other fashion accessories to be sold to the public in retail stores.


You might also be invited to fashion shows of top brands and can select some of the favorite clothes.


She was very beautiful and fashionable in her youth, and her luggage was always filled with pretty clothes and fashion accessories.
