common cold的意思

美 / ˈkɔmən kəuld / 英 / ˈkɑmən kold /


common cold的用法讲解

Common Cold

Common cold is a very common type of illness caused by a virus. It normally affects the nose, throat, sinuses, and voice box. It is usually felt as a mild fever, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and general feeling of being unwell. It is typically accompanied by a hacking cough.


The initial symptoms of common cold usually begin with a sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing. Other symptoms may include watery eyes, headache, aching muscles, loss of appetite, malaise, and low-grade fever. In some cases, there may be a sudden onset of fever, chilliness, and aching body. If the cold is accompanied by a bacterial infection, the fever may be quite high and the individual may experience severe chest or abdominal pain.


Common colds usually last from five to 10 days, and generally do not require medical treatment. Over-the-counter medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, and cough suppressants may be used to reduce the symptoms. Rest, fluids, and analgesics such as ibuprofen may also be recommended. It is important to note that antibiotics will not help as they are only effective against bacterial infections, not viral ones.


The best way to prevent a common cold is to practice good personal hygiene. This includes washing hands frequently and avoiding close contact with people who are infected. Vaccines and avoiding exposure to cold temperatures are also methods of prevention. Finally, it is important to get enough rest, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet to help boost the immune system.

common cold的短语

1、 The Common Cold 普通感冒,感冒,流行感冒,普通

2、 Poisoning by anti-common-cold drugs 抗感冒药中毒

3、 common cold virus 感冒病毒,伤风病毒

4、 Influenza and Common Cold 感冒与伤风咳

5、 tablet for treating common cold 感冒清片

6、 The common cold and flu 普通感冒和流感,一般感冒和流感

7、 tablet for preventing common cold 防感片

8、 How the Common Cold Works 感冒大解析

common cold的例句

These include Kimwermspinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

这些疾病包括蛲虫病 、 流行性感冒 、 感冒 、 甲肝 、 脑膜炎和流行性痢疾.


Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.



Adenoviruses, which cause the common cold, do not insert themselves into the genome.

腺病毒是导致常见感冒的一种病毒, 并不将自己插入基因组.


The common cold is caused by a virus, or rather by a number of similar viruses.

一般的感冒是由一个病毒, 或者应该说是一群相似的病毒所引起.


They found a similar drug being tested against a rhinovirus — another cause of the common cold.



I have heard about so many home remedies for and preventive actions against the common cold.

