competitive spirit的意思

美 / kəmˈpetitiv ˈspirit / 英 / kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv ˈspɪrɪt /


competitive spirit的用法讲解

Competitive spirit is a phrase used to describe a type of mindset which motivates an individual to succeed. It is generally an individual’s desire to outperform their competitors or to be the best at something. The term is usually used to describe a person’s ambition, drive and determination to succeed.

Competitive spirit drives an individual to strive for greatness. It also motivates them to take initiative, to take risks and to think outside the box. It pushes them to reach their full potential.

Competitive spirit can be found in a person’s desire to win at any game they are playing. It can also be seen in their commitment to stay focused and to work hard to excel in the field of their choice. It pushes them to learn new skills and to practice their existing ones. It helps them to stay motivated and to constantly strive for excellence.

Competitive spirit is a great way to stay motivated and to push yourself to reach your goals. It gives you the determination and ambition to take on any challenge put before you. It is a great way to stay positive and to stay focused.

Competitive spirit is not only found in sports. It is a mindset that can be used in any situation. Whether you are working on a project, studying for an exam or trying to land a job, a competitive spirit will help you to stay focused and to achieve success.

Competitive spirit is a valuable trait to have and can be used to reach greater heights. It is a great way to stay motivated and to push yourself to reach your goals. It is a powerful tool that can help to achieve success in any field.

competitive spirit的短语

1、 The Competitive Spirit 竞争精神

2、 Competitive spirit entering the world 立足世界的竞争精神

3、 Uphold Professional Competitive Spirit 秉承专业竞争精神

4、 That Competitive Spirit 这种服输精神

5、 commercial competitive spirit 商业竞争精神

6、 Lack Of Competitive Spirit 缺乏竞争意识

7、 competitive and cooperative spirit 竞争协作精神

8、 core spirit of competitive sports 竞技运动核心精神

competitive spirit的例句

Of course, their friendliness does not dampen their competitive spirit.

当然, 他们之间的友好关系并不会影响他们的斗志.


Competitive spirit is the desire to outdo running mates.



But it is this competitive spirit that makes him such a firm favourite with the fans.



The Olympic Games are the world's largest pageant of athletic skills and competitive spirit.



All - consuming, competitive spirit meets rampant insecurity.

你很有斗争, 开拓精神,但确很缺乏安全感.
