comprehensive utilization of coal的意思

美 / ˌkɔmpriˈhensiv ˌju:tɪlaɪˈzeɪʃɵn ɔv kəul / 英 / ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən ʌv kol /


comprehensive utilization of coal的用法讲解

Comprehensive utilization of coal is a five-word phrase which has been widely applied in the field of energy exploration and exploitation. It involves the maximization of the use of coal resources in order to obtain maximum benefit and avoid potential harm to the environment.

The concept of comprehensive utilization of coal is mainly reflected in the following aspects. First, to more fully utilize coal resources and reduce waste of resources. For instance, many companies are using modern technological techniques to convert low-grade coal into high-grade coal in order to get more value out of their limited resources. Second, to realize energy conservation and emission reduction. With the help of advanced technology and equipment, the flue gas emitted during the production of coal can be recycled, converted into useful energy, or filtered to reduce air pollution. Third, to development and utilizes new clean energy technologies. By utilizing coal gasification technology, coal can be converted into clean energy such as electricity and hydrogen, with great potential for use in the future.

In conclusion, comprehensive utilization of coal is an effective way to make full use of coal resources and reduce energy consumption while protecting the environment. We should implement more comprehensive utilization of coal to reduce the strain on traditional energy sources and promote a more sustainable future.

comprehensive utilization of coal的短语

1、 comprehensive utilization of coal gangue 煤矸石综合利用

2、 Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Ash 粉煤灰的综合利用

comprehensive utilization of coal的例句

Technology for the liquefaction, gasification and comprehensive utilization of coal.


Company is Shanghai's largest local and comprehensive utilization of coal mining enterprises.


Company is Shanghai's largest local and comprehensive utilization of coal mining enterprises.



This article describes the purification and storage of coal bed methane and the comprehensive utilization of coal bed methane.
