corrosion protection的意思

美 / kəˈrəʊʒən prəˈtekʃən / 英 / kəˈroʒən prəˈtɛkʃən /

[材] 防腐

corrosion protection的用法讲解

Corrosion protection, as the name suggests, is the process of protecting metal surfaces, such as steel and iron, from corrosion. It can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as coatings, galvanizing, and cathodic protection.

Coatings: Coatings are applied to the surface of metals and are one of the most common ways of providing corrosion protection. The coating material can be inorganic, such as paint, or organic, such as a polymer. These coatings act as a barrier between the metal and the environment, preventing corrosive elements from coming into contact with the metal surface.

Galvanizing: Galvanizing is a process in which metal surfaces are coated with zinc. This provides effective corrosion protection because the zinc corrodes instead of the metal, thus protecting it from corrosion.

Cathodic Protection: Cathodic protection is another type of corrosion protection method. It is a process by which an electric current is applied to a metal surface, usually through the use of an anode. The current creates an electrochemical reaction on the metal surface, which prevents corrosion.

Corrosion protection is an important process for protecting metal surfaces from corrosion and prolonging their lifespan. By using the right corrosion protection method, the life of the metal can be extended significantly.

corrosion protection的短语

1、 corrosion protection coating 防腐涂层保护

2、 underwater corrosion protection 水下防蚀

3、 Metal Corrosion & Protection Lab 金属腐蚀与防护实验室

4、 Rust and Corrosion protection 防锈和防腐蚀保护

5、 corrosion protection equipment 防腐蚀设备

6、 anti-corrosion protection 防腐,抗磨蚀防护

corrosion protection的例句

Industry Engineering: Moisture protection , corrosion protection, environment protection and special thermal insulation.

工业工程: 防潮 、 防腐 、 环保、特殊保温.


Corrosion protection measures are presented based upon the insulation and non - insulation!



Application example of heavy corrosion protection engineering was given.



CA - 101 is used to provide corrosion protection in free - solids brine.



Widely used in anti - corrosion coatings, Printing in industrial corrosion - protection field.

有较高的防腐能力,适用于工业防护领域的防腐涂料 、 防腐印染.


Plastic extrusion cladding corrosion protection outer - layer coating production line for tubes.

