courier receipt的意思

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courier receipt的网络释义

专递收据 专递收据(Courier Receipt),是指特快专递机构收到寄件人的邮件后签发的凭证。

快邮收据 其他主要单据 (三)邮包收据和快邮收据 邮包收据(Postal Parcel Receipt)和快邮收据(Courier Receipt)是邮局和快递公司向客户签发的用于邮寄小件物品的一种收据。

快递收据 一般是用快递收据(courier receipt)作为货运单据,用快递公司给的那联发货人留底的收据交单议付即可。

快速收据 ...证明(Beneficiary's Certificate for DesPatch of Shipment Sample)、邮局收据(Post Receipt)、快速收据(Courier Receipt)、装运通知(Shipping Advice)以及有关运输和费用方面的证明。

courier receipt的短语

1、 courier receipt detail 快速收据

2、 Courier And Post Receipt 专递或邮局收据

courier receipt的例句

Full set of documents will be sent to buyer Courier service within 5 days after the seller's receipt of full amount from the buyer.


Evidencing the relative Courier receipt, the copy of fax or email, and Beneficiary's statement to this effect must accompany the documents presented for negotiation.


Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight Courier.


There is no damage to re sign, such as after the Courier company is not responsible for the receipt of compensation.


And the minute the receipt is signed, we dash back to unpack, while the Courier rushes to his next destination.


On receipt of your email, we'll issue an official offer by email or by phone based on the content of your documents, including the cost of translation, the pay for stamp use and the courier fees.
