cyclone tornado的意思

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cyclone tornado的网络释义

龙卷风 博客 ... 台风typhoon 龙卷风cyclone tornado 雾brume fog mist reek ...

飓风 ... Big Tornado强力旋涡;强力漩涡 cyclone tornado飓风 Black tornado黑色龙卷风;龙卷风 ...

cyclone tornado的短语

1、 tornado cyclone 龙卷气旋 ; 龙卷风

2、 mini-tornado cyclone 小龙卷气旋

cyclone tornado的例句

Tornado watches have been issued along large parts of Australia's east coast as the remnants of a tropical cyclone sweep across the region.


And then up into the swirl around the axis, the wind always Tornado of the cyclone, its central pressure than the surrounding air pressure low 10 percent.


Cyclone accelerator is put forward as a new dispenser by means of the exploratory analysis of central cyclone suction, based on the suction phenomenon of tornado.
