defensive end的意思

美 / dɪˈfensɪv end / 英 / dɪˈfɛnsɪv ɛnd /


defensive end的用法讲解

Defensive End is a term used by American Football to refer to the player who lines up at the end of the offensive line on the same side of the ball as the quarterback. The primary job of the defensive end is to rush the passer and to contain the run. They also protect their team's quarterback by applying pressure to the opposing team's quarterback, forcing them to make a quicker decision or throw an inaccurate pass.

Since the defensive end is one of the most important players on the defensive side of the ball, they must have a well-rounded set of skills. They have to have the speed and agility to be able to contain and apply pressure to the quarterback, as well as the strength and power to effectively rush the passer.

In addition to rushing the passer, defensive ends are also used to contain the run. They line up on the outside of the offensive line and use their strength to hold the edge and funnel ball-carriers back inside. They are also used to disrupt the pass by batting down passes or intercepting them.

Defensive ends are often asked to drop back into coverage, in which case they must be able to be effective in covering the opponent's pass-catchers. This often requires the defensive end to have great technique and discipline. They must be quick to read the quarterback's intentions and be able to position themselves to make a play.

Defensive ends can also be used to blitz the quarterback. When this occurs, the defensive end must have great speed and agility to be able to get around the offensive linemen, as well as great timing and vision to be able to disrupt the quarterback's rhythm.

Defensive ends can be used in a variety of ways depending on their team's scheme and the situation. They are, however, primarily responsible for rushing the passer and containing the run. They must have a good combination of speed, power, agility, and technique to be effective.

defensive end的短语

1、 On The Defensive End 处于防守端

2、 Defensive e End 防守端锋

defensive end的例句

The team not kicking off will place their robots on the defensive end of the field.



Now is the time for Anthony to take the lead -- on the defensive end.



Whether on the offensive or defensive end, he can completely take over a game.


He knows stars like McGrady know what he is capable of doing on the defensive end.



The Cavs also have the best defensive team, with James taking charge on the defensive end.



Whether on the offensive or defensive end, he can completely takea game.

不管是在进攻上,还是在防守上, 科比都完全有能力统治比赛.


As a championship caliber team, we can't have any lapse on the defensive end.

作为一支具有总冠军实力的球队, 我们在防守端不能有丝毫闪失.


As a championship caliber team, we can't have any lapse on the defensive end.
