degree of satisfaction的意思

美 / / 英 / /


degree of satisfaction的网络释义

满意度 论文:居住源自生活的需求 论文网 关键词:生活;人性化;满意度;管理 [gap=806]Keywords:live;humanity;degree of satisfaction;manage

满足度 ) 满足度 degree of satisfaction 盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside ..

对劲度 ... 绿化 afforestation 对劲度 degree of satisfaction 盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside ...

如意度 马太效应 the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's 如意度 degree of satisfaction 盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside ..

degree of satisfaction的短语

1、 Staff degree of satisfaction 员工满意度

2、 Customer degree of satisfaction 客户满意度

3、 Serve degree of satisfaction 服务满意度

degree of satisfaction的例句

The "CSI" is the degree of satisfaction of the product performances to customer needs.


The fifth part describes the quality of marriage of young university teachers, concluding that their marriage has a high stability level and a high degree of satisfaction.


The reasonable equipment with the use nursing staffs, may lighten its work load and the pressure, enhances the work degree of satisfaction.


And has obtained the very good society and the economic efficiency, causes the patient degree of satisfaction obvious rise.


Conclusion the new training method can improve training effect, shorten the training cycle and improve the degree of satisfaction of both guidance nurses and patients.


Presently this city 2008 year Yiwu 52 community responsibility doctor degree of satisfaction investigation statistics in article analysis report.
