delivery of goods的意思

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delivery of goods的网络释义

交货 (一)交货和装运的概念 交货( 交货(delivery of goods) ) 装运( goods) 装运(shipment of goods) 交货时间( 交货时间(time of delivery) ) 装运时间( 装运时间(time of shi...

货物传送 ... 货物传送 Delivery of goods 货物发运 Freight forwarding 货物发运 Freight forwarding ...

货物的交付 货物的交付(Delivery of Goods) 指卖方按照买卖合同规定的 时间、地点、方式 将合同规定的货物交付买方。

delivery of goods的短语

1、 to take delivery of goods 提货

2、 delivery of goods by installment 分批交易 ;

3、 take delivery of goods 收货 ; 提货 ; 提取货物

delivery of goods的例句

Ensure the accurate and timely delivery of goods and services to all hotel kitchen outlets. Perform general cleaning duties in the hotel.


This includes transactions at the time of sale, (either on the Web or by phone), as well as a final check before the delivery of goods to customers.


This network enabled FedEx to provide an overnight delivery of goods shipped within the Asian countries.


Lifts are designed primarily for the delivery of goods is usually someone with the elevator.


It must be stipulated in the contract that you are obliged to finish the delivery of goods within the contractual time of shipment.


The company could then arrange immediate delivery of goods to the client and maintain current sales statistics.
