deputy prime minister的意思

美 / ˈdepjuti praim ˈministə / 英 / ˈdɛpjəti praɪm ˈmɪnɪstɚ /

n. 副总理,副首相

deputy prime minister的用法讲解

英语单词deputy prime minister的用法讲解

Deputy Prime Minister是指在政府下的副首相,作为其他副部长的领导团队之一,此职位也可以担任首相的职责。在美国,副首席部长是美国总统的直接顾问,督促和协调各机构行为。它被视为总统的重要助手,因此得到了总统的尊重和尊敬。

从词汇上讲,Deputy Prime Minister有两种用法:第一种用法是当它是官方职位时,它可以用作名词或复数形式,例如:“The Deputy Prime Minister is the leader of the ministers.” 或“The Deputy Prime Ministers are responsible for carrying out the policies of the government.”

第二种用法是当Deputy Prime Minister只是普通标题时,它可以用作形容词,例如:“He is a Deputy Prime Minister.” 或“She is the Deputy Prime Minister of the country.” 这两种用法均为正确用法,但是前者更容易明白。

总的来说,Deputy Prime Minister是一个正式的英语表达,表示政府中的副首相,它可以作为单数名词或复数形式用作职位,也可以作为形容词用作职位名称。

deputy prime minister的短语

1、 Office of Deputy Prime Minister 副首相办公室,英国副首相办公室,开始由副首相办公室

2、 Deputy Prime Minister John 副首相约翰

3、 second deputy prime minister 第二副总理

4、 British Deputy Prime Minister 英国副首相

5、 Canadian female deputy prime minister 加拿大女副总理

deputy prime minister的例句

A lot of the chanting was in support of the deputy prime minister.


He was nominally Deputy Prime Minister, certainly, but his influence was clearly on the wane.



The deputy prime minister is suffering.


The settlements outside the blocks would wither and die, says Silvan Shalom, a Likud deputy prime minister and longtime foe of the prime minister.
