
美 / 'destɪn / 英 / ˈdɛstɪn /

vt. 注定,指定,命定,预定

GRE 商务英语

第三人称单数 destines 现在分词 destining 过去式 destined 过去分词 destined


Destine is an English verb which means to determine in advance, to predetermine a course of action or a future event. It can also mean to determine by fate or an outside force.

The word can be used in a number of different ways and contexts. In everyday English, it is most commonly used to describe a situation in which a person feels that their life is predetermined and that they are powerless to make choices that will alter the course their life takes.

For example, we can say \"my destiny was pre-determined\" to imply that no matter what choices we make, our life path was decided long ago.

Destine can also be used to suggest that a person or thing was meant to be, or \"destined,\" for a certain role or task. An example of this would be: \"She was destined to be a leader.\"

In addition, destine is also used to describe an unavoidable event or outcome, such as a natural disaster or some kind of fatal misfortune. For example, we could say \"The town was destine to be destroyed by the tornado.\"

Finally, destine can also be used to refer to something that has been determined by a higher power, such as a deity or spiritual force. An example of this would be: \"It was destine that the two souls would be reunited.\"


1、 destine for 驶往,注定

2、 Destine in the fate 命中注定,详细翻译

3、 to destine to 开往

4、 MY DESTINE 我的命运

5、 no destine no destination 任何旨在没有目的地,号缘分号目的地,没有任何预期目标

6、 Destine met you 缘分让你,正在翻译,注定让你

7、 Destine To Be Hurt 就注定被伤害

8、 Man Destine Belong to Oceans 段公子


Some people destine to wait for other people.


Life for meeting which persons destine and walk which road, choose which road also destine and meet which persons.


Some things destine that it is not yours.


Induct electric power cable , shell up the destine length.

引入电力电缆, 在预定长度剥开.


She feel she be destine to be unhappy for the rest of her life.



The cigarette love with match, destine to be hurt.

香烟爱上火柴, 就注定被伤害.
