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挂低档 ... downshift 降档 drag-down 挂低档 draw bar 牵引装置 ...


1、 drag down 向下拖 ; 贬低 ; 拖垮 ; 拖入深处

2、 drag down right 拖带权条款

3、 drag down growth 使上升的趋势不再


But does this mean that the party's unpopularity will drag down Mr McCain? It is true that the senator is no identikit Republican.


Since late July stock markets in America and round the world have nosedived, fearful that America is falling back into recession and that Europe's debt crisis will drag down its Banks.


Don't have large levels of debt. Debt may boost returns and profits during the good times, but can also drag down a company's performance in the bad times.

市场环境良好时,负债能增加回报和利润; 但当市场环境恶劣时,负债会影响公司业绩。

Managers believe a slowing economy, inflation, shaky credit markets and energy costs are the top factors that could drag down stock returns in the second half of this year, the survey found.


Unless Europe, Japan, and the United States can also face up to responsibilities they will drag down not only themselves but the global economy.


None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from natives or drag down their wages.
