dry weight的意思

美 / drai weit / 英 / draɪ wet /


dry weight的用法讲解

Dry Weight: Definition and Examples

Dry weight is a term used to describe a substance’s weight without the presence of moisture or water. It is also used to describe the weight after a material has been dried or partly dried, such as in the measurements of wood. The dry weight of a material is important in many applications, including agriculture, food production and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

In agriculture, dry weight helps farmers estimate the amount of fertilizer they need to apply to their crops. Fertilizer needs to be applied based on the type of crop and its specific needs. By measuring the dry weight of crops, the nutrient levels of a plant can be determined and the correct amount of fertilizer can be applied to optimize growth.

In food production, the dry weight of ingredients helps calculate the cost of production and product yields. The amount of nutrients and calories contained in a product is determined by the weight of ingredients and their dry weight. Dry weight is also used in the assessment of food spoilage, as the weight of water loss over time helps calculate the shelf life of the product.

In pharmaceutical manufacturing, it is important to accurately measure the dry weight of ingredients. Medication doses are calculated by weight, and discrepancies between actual weight and dry weight can cause serious health concerns for patients. In order to ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products, it is important to have an accurate understanding of the dry weight of all components used in the production process.

Overall, dry weight is important in many different industries and applications. It helps calculate costs associated with production and provides an accurate measure of ingredients used in agriculture, food production and pharmaceutical manufacturing. By understanding the concept of dry weight and its importance, companies are able to produce higher quality products and ensure safety for consumers.

dry weight的短语

1、 absolute dry weight 绝对干重,绝干重,全干重,绝对于干重

2、 air dry weight 风干重,风干重量

3、 oven dry weight 绝干重量,绝干重

4、 dry weight of engine 发动机干重

5、 unit dry weight 干容重

6、 net dry weight 净干重,净轻重

7、 air bells dry weight 风干重量

8、 bone dry dry weight 绝干重量

9、 dry weight density 干重度

dry weight的例句

Alternate drying - wetting can in crease root dry weight ratio of root shoot and root number.



The dry weight of the product has been accounted for.



Note: The content of microelements were calculated in dry weight.

注: 微量元素含量以干重计算.


Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice.



The dry weight of branch and leaf increased as density dereased.



The amount of dust absorption of dry weight of vegetation: Deciduous tree & gt; Bush & gt; Evergreen.

干重滞尘量: 落叶乔木 & gt; 灌木 & gt; 常绿乔木.
