duration recording的意思

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duration recording的网络释义

持续时间记录  观察行为是否发生  评定观察行为品质的等级 (一)持续时间记录(duration recording): (二)计算次数记录(frequency- count recording):  标的行为每发生一次,观察者就记录 一次。

持续时间的记录 ... 次数的记录(frequency count); 持续时间的记录(duration recording); 间断的记录(interval recording); ...

记录法 持续记录法(duration recording): 在某 一段 特定时间 内,直接观察到的目标行为之持续 时间 长度; 强度记录法(magnitude recording): 壹、 , 前言 ,

duration recording的短语

1、 recording duration 记录时间

duration recording的例句

However, what if the application wanted to track other data such as the value of certain variables or even attempt to profile the code by recording the duration of a particular function invocation?


The time base for this sequence is not known as it is taken from a televised slow motion recording however, the duration between each exhibited frame is constant.
