
美 / ˈiːkwəl / 英 / ˈiːkwəl /

adj. 同样的,平等的,均等的,胜任的

n. 同样的人

v. 等于,比得上,结果为


英文:Explanation of the Usage of the English Word 'Equal'

'Equal' is an English word which has multiple meanings. It is an adjective, adverb, noun and verb.

Adjective: The adjective form of equal means the same or equivalent. It can be used to compare two items and show they have the same value or quantity, such as: The two pieces of cake are equal in size.

Adverb: The adverb form of equal means completely, in the same way or equally. It can be used to describe an action that has been done in the same way as someone else, such as: She sang the song equal to the other performer.

Noun: The noun form of equal means a person, thing or amount that is the same as another. It can be used to show that two items are the same, such as: They are equals in terms of intelligence.

Verb: The verb form of equal means to be the same or make the same. It can be used to show that an action has been done in the same way, such as: The teams equalized in the second half of the game.

In conclusion, the English word 'equal' can be used in multiple contexts as an adjective, adverb, noun and verb. It is used to compare two things and show they are the same or equivalent. It can also be used to describe an action that has been done in an equal way.


The guards were equal to anything.



You should have married somebody more your equal.



As a pastor, it can be argued he has no equal...



One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer.



Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.



All things being equal, should it matter who earns most money?

