
美 / iˈkwɒləti / 英 / iˈkwɑːləti /

n. (社会地位、待遇上的)平等;均等,相等


Equality, a word adopted from the Latin word “aequalitatem,” is a state of being equal and is frequently used in philosophy and law.

It is a concept of interest to many disciplines, such as economics, politics, sociology, psychology, and religion, and it can be seen in various forms throughout the world and throughout history. In its most basic form, equality is viewed as a state of being equal or having the same rights and privileges, or being treated as equals regardless of any differences between individuals or groups.

In political and social contexts, equality is usually associated with a principle of justice and fairness based on the idea that all people should be treated equally under the law. This can include things like equal opportunities, equal rights to vote, access to education and healthcare, and the right to own property and pursue life goals.

In philosophical terms, equality can refer to a range of concepts, including equality of opportunity, equality of outcome, and equality of respect. Equality of opportunity is the idea that everyone should have the same chance at success regardless of their background, while equality of outcome is the belief that everyone should have the same results regardless of the quality of their effort or ability. Equality of respect means that people should be respected and valued regardless of the differences between them.

Equality is also an important concept in economic theory, where it refers to a situation in which all factors of production have an equal return. This includes things like wages, prices, and the distribution of wealth.

Overall, equality is an important concept in many areas of life and is a cornerstone of many societies and cultures. Equality helps ensure that all people, regardless of their background, are given a fair chance to succeed and live a fulfilling life.


We talk glibly of equality of opportunity.



They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.



Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.



...equality of the sexes.



There is a certain equality being at the baths.



His ideas on equality are viewed as utopian in the current political climate.

